Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Kalaloch Campground
Olympic National Park

As the sun moves through the sky, so do the shadows amongst the trees.
Late in the day, the shadows from one stand of trees create stripes upon the ground and into the next stand of trees.  The sun is behind us here.
It's so interesting to watch as different parts of the forest are revealed and shadowed as the day goes on.  It's almost a different forest as each portion has its turn.

Our World Tuesday is "Where family-friendly bloggers share images of their world and tell us a little bit of the story about the place."

Monday, June 25, 2012

The Cap Man Cometh!

The Cap Family.
All the way from Georgia, they have been traveling for almost a year now.

The story of the bottlecap en-rusted truck can be read on their website.
Notice the little car on the top, too? 
This lovely family was a delight to meet. 
They came to the Forks Open Aire Market on Saturday, June 23.  They've been in the area for some days, enjoying the sights on the West End of the peninsula.
The original idea was for them to be able to sell their art that day, but
that didn't work out, unfortunately!  We were looking forward to seeing
the Cap Family Wares!
You can read their story, and see their art on the following link.
(There's a link on their site to an etsy shop, but it was down when I clicked on it.)